Dancing Cat Version 1.1.2

Change log

V1.1.2 - 11/11/2022
- 1 new song added ( Plenka - Nostalgia ).

V1.1.1 - 09/04/2022
- Play button arrangement.
- fr ext domain doesn't exist anymore ( link change involved ).

V1.1.0 - 31/05/2020
- Buyed .io domain.

V1.0.5 - 26/02/2020
- 3 new song added ( Plenka - Nothing | Plenka - Where Are We | Gesaffelstein - Pursuit ).

V1.0.4 - 09/02/2020
- 1 new song added ( Plenka - Dance ).

V1.0.3 - 07/02/2020
- Volume has been lowered for obvious reason.
- Added website icon.
- It's now impossible to select the GIF for aesthetical reason
- Fixed some unintended footer-related behavior.
- Fixed viewport being too small for smartphone.

V1.0.2 - 04/02/2020
- Font of main page have been changed and it's now impossible to select it for aesthetical reason.
- Added contact option ( no longer available ).
- 2 new song added ( Gesaffelstein - Opr | Plenka - Overload 2 ).
- Change log, now open in a new tab.

V1.0.1 - 02/02/2020
- Title of the website have been changed.
- Added informative message of potential web browser blocking the song.
- Added version number with log.
- Loading time for low internet users have been improve by optimisation of assets.

V1.0.0 - 25/01/2020
- Original Website release. Consist of a GIF with song rondomize when charging page.
  3 song available ( Plenka - Nightmare | Crim3s - Stay Ugly | Plenka - Another World )
  As song and art artist cannot respond for possibility to use their song or art, list are subject to some change.

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)